Gain access to a wealth of guidelines for various environmental purchasing programs.
You should walk away with a better understanding of various local, state, and federal green initiatives. These range among: providing for urban agriculture under zoning and health codes; addressing antiquated and potentially unhealthy water and sewer lines and plants and septic; alternative energy; efficient land use; financing to accommodate local and private, as well as public/private partnership projects; LEED issues; and responding to sea level rise. No single presentation can capture all of these issues, but this material provides significant points and resources to help develop integrated knowledge of various green issues.

Sidney F. Ansbacher
Upchurch, Bailey and Upchurch, P.A.
- Senior Partner in the office of Upchurch, Bailey and Upchurch, P.A.
- Practice emphasizes all aspects of Land Use and Environmental Law
- Conducts regular seminars and workshops on Land Use and Environmental Law
- Author of more than 100 publications related to the areas of Land Use and Environmental Law
- LL.M. degree, University of Arkansas; J.D. degree, Hamline University; B.A. degree, University of Florida
- Member of numerous professional and civic organizations
- Can be contacted at 904-829-9066 or [email protected]

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