Develop a thorough and helpful understanding of what to do when an employee is impaired at work or is injured during the impairment.
Many employers are justifiably concerned about impaired workers, especially if the employee becomes injured while under the influence. Workers' Compensation itself can be a frustrating layer to such events. This presentation will help the persons responsible for such employees develop a thorough and helpful understanding of what to do when an employee (1) is impaired at work, and (2) is injured during the impairment; both proactive and reactive approaches will be covered. The live webinar also explains the ideas and responses that are considered lawful and helpful. The discussion is targeted toward employers to help ensure they will make the best response when confronted with such an unfortunate situation.

James B. Fairbanks, Esq.
Freeman Mathis & Gary, LLP
- Partner at Freeman Mathis & Gary, LLP and a member of the firm’s Labor & Employment, Tort & Catastrophic Loss, and Appellate practice sections
- Practice includes defense of employers in all employment-related claims, premises liability, and general liability defense
- Has a broad base of litigation experience, including domestic relations and criminal defense
- Counsels various carriers on components of bad faith insurance practices as it pertains to the handling of workers’ compensation claims
- Conducts regular seminars and workshops and has been a regular presenter for Lorman
- Member of the American, Colorado, and Denver Bar Associations, the Defense Research Institute and the Colorado Defense Lawyers Association
- J.D. Degree, University of Colorado School of Law; B.A. Degree, Adams State College
- Can be contacted at [email protected]

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