Gain a better understanding of how to deal with a bossy, know-it-all co-worker in a professional and respectful manner.
Sound familiar? You are working with someone on a project and suddenly, they start taking over. They are setting agendas, timelines, providing feedback, assigning tasks, taking on the role of a boss that was not assigned to them. Or you have a team member who knows how things should be done and has no problem telling you how you should be doing your work. Whether you have found yourself in that situation, are managing someone who comes to you with that feedback, or get reports of that behavior in the company, this webinar will help you know how to handle a situation when someone is acting like the boss when they are not. Through thoughtful conversation and real examples, we will dig into why we have struggles with people we work with, how to address those concerns and reset the relationship moving forward.

Karen D. Weeks
Shine at Work
- Founder, CEO & Principal Certified Career Development Coach at Shine at Work Coaching
- HR Leader working in multiple industries and companies
- Specific focus on career development, rolling out HR programs and training committed to growing team members, leadership development, and improving company culture
- Leads the HR function for an award-winning, best-places-to-work, companies
- Received Crain’s Notable Women in Talent Award and the Top Human Resources Professional Award

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