Learn practical techniques for evaluating a project situation and applying the proper communication and conflict-resolution techniques.
Regardless of the type of project, whether construction or movie production, research has shown that project management is necessary for getting things done. EY reported in 2021 that 64% of all projects are off schedule. Did you know that 70% of projects actually fail for reasons such as inaccurate requirements, leadership, scope creep, and other reasons?
Daily, we all manage projects for personal, organizations, our children, schoolwork, and more. The list of categories is endless. In this session, we will discuss some basic project management steps for starting, managing, and maintaining a project that goes off course and stagnates.
The definition of a project, according to Webster's Dictionary, is an individual or collaborative enterprise planned to achieve a particular aim or objective.

Pamela Nelson, Ph.D., MSN
Bracane Company
Dr. Pamela Nelson
- CEO, Bracane Company
- Ph.D. in Education with a focus on healthcare dynamics
- Over 30 years of experience in the healthcare sector
- Expertise in project management and international collaboration
- Dedicated to reducing health disparities and advancing health equity globally
- Ideal presenter for discussions on effective healthcare project management

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