Learn how to properly address and investigate third-party harassment as well as understand enforcement actions by government agencies.
Many employers assume that employment discrimination and harassment laws do not protect employees from third-party harassment. As highlighted by the #MeToo movement, this assumption is incorrect. Most federal and state discrimination laws place a responsibility on employers to protect an employee who has been harassed by a customer, vendor, or member of the public during the scope of his or her employment. This information will educate you on how to identify actionable third-party harassment and understand its potential impact on the business, how to properly address and investigate the harassment, and how to limit future liability and backlash. Recent litigation, press coverage, and enforcement actions by government agencies have shown that the failure to investigate and address complaints of third-party harassment can not only result in financial liability, but can become a public relations nightmare. This information is important for any employer who has employees interacting with the public, customers, clients, or vendors so it can ensure that it is properly protecting its employees and limiting the risk of damaging its third-party relationships.

Lauren B. Harris
UB Greensfelder LLP
- Attorney at Greenfelder, Hemker & Gale, P.C. handling employment law matters for clients in numerous industries, including health care, manufacturing, education and construction
- Presents frequently to employers on topics related to discrimination, harassment, HR policies and other hot topics in employment law
- Has written publications related to harassment investigations and employer liability, discrimination claims, FLSA matters, and hiring practices
- Ranked for the past five years as a Rising Star in Employment Litigation by Missouri & Kansas Super Lawyers
- Core member of a firmwide team focused on serving the unique legal needs of entrepreneurs and startup businesses
- Can be contacted at 314-335-6839 or [email protected]

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