Gain a better understanding of audit confirmation best practices and real-life examples from an accounting and finance perspective.
This information will help you use confirmations more efficiently and effectively, including avoiding common issues that can result in peer review and enforcement findings. Efficiency is enhanced by evaluating whether confirmations are necessary, evaluating the necessary sample size, and how the confirmations should be transmitted. Confirming other information when appropriate and validating recipients and responses can improve confirmation effectiveness.

Randal J. Elder
The Bryan School - UNCG
- Professor and head of department of accounting and finance in The Bryan School of Business and Economics at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro
- Previously accounting department chair and senior associate dean at Syracuse University Whitman School of Management
- Public accounting experience as an audit manager at a large regional audit firm with experience with private companies and government and nonprofit audit clients
- Chaired research synthesis on audit confirmations and audit sampling performed by the auditing section of the American Accounting Associate for the PCAOB.
- Co-author on a leading auditing textbook, Auditing and Assurance Services: An Integrated Approach
- Member of the AICPA and American Accounting Association
- Ph.D. degree, Michigan State University
- Can be contacted at 336-256-0530 or [email protected]

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