Take a deep dive into hot-button issues surrounding 501(c)(3) Organizations.
The 2017 Tax Cut and Jobs Act is the biggest tax law change in 30 years. Exempt Organizations did not escape unscathed. From now paying taxes on certain expenses the exempt organization incurs to new treatment of multiple unrelated trades or businesses, exempt organizations are seeing unprecedented changes and challenges. But wait, there is more. IRS notices and rulings and court cases continue to change the landscape. Whether you work with charities, social clubs, business associations or one of the other 30 types of exempt organizations, you need to be on top of these changes.

Brenda A. Blunt, CPA, CGMA
Eide Bailly LLP
- Partner with Eide Bailly LLP
- More than 30 years providing services to tax-exempt entities and their stakeholders
- Helps clients obtain and maintain their tax-exempt status; comply with and plan for unrelated business income, sales, payroll and property taxes; work strategically with multiple entity structures; respond to IRS and state taxing authority audits; and comply with IRS, state and local reporting requirements
- Frequent speaker, locally and nationally, on a variety of tax and accounting topics as they apply to nonprofit organizations
- Member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the TEGE Exempt Organizations Council
- Inaugural chair and is a continuing member of the Arizona Society of Certified Public Accountants Not-for-Profit Section
- Can be contacted at 602-264-8607 or [email protected]

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