Gain the tools needed to make informed decisions regarding HABs to reduce the risk to the environment and human health.
This topic will provide an overview of the issues revolving around harmful algal blooms and their impact on the water resources we as a nation use and depend on every day. Algal blooms have created problems throughout history; however, the occurrence of harmful and toxic algal blooms have been reported more frequently over the past decade. The cyanotoxins that are produced during harmful algal bloom (HAB) conditions have shut down public beaches, reportedly have caused the deaths of livestock and pets, have the potential to cause neurological and liver damage, illicit asthma, and other respiratory illnesses, and have impacted drinking water quality. The economic losses due to these blooms have been experienced around the country as travel declines to tourist destinations, water treatment costs rise, and algal bloom control and remediation efforts increase.

Lindsay Birt, Ph.D.
GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc.
- Assistant project manager for GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc., a national water resources, geotechnical, environmental engineering, ecology, and construction management consulting firm
- Researched more than 40 watershed management groups across the United States, with more than 10 years of experience in water quality monitoring, watershed planning, management, assessment, and modeling
- Works with multi-disciplinary watershed groups to manage watershed planning and implementation process, including public outreach, monitoring, pollutant load modeling, non-point sources and stormwater management, geospatial information systems analysis, regulatory assessment, and stakeholder engagement
- Ph.D. degree, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN; B.S. and M.S. degrees, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
- Can be contacted at [email protected] or 630-684-4407

Paul G. Davis, Ph.D., PWS, CPSS, CERP
GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc.
- Principal of Ecological Services
- More than 30 years of experience with wetland and aquatic resource assessment, ecological restoration, soil science, water quality, mitigation design and permitting
- Professional Wetlands Scientist, Certified Professional Soils Scientist and Certified Ecological Restoration Practitioner
- NALMS member since 1988 with lake, streams and estuarine evaluation and restoration experience throughout the Northeast
- Natural Resource Technical Practice Lead for 55+ natural resource professionals
- Can be contacted at [email protected] or 413-726-2110

Christopher Mayne, CLM
GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc.
- EHS project manager for GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc., a national water resources, geotechnical, environmental engineering, ecolo-gy, and construction management consulting firm
- More than 20 years’ experience assessing of Lakes, Ponds, and Reservoirs
- Large scale aeration system implementation throughout the U.S.
- Assessments of industrial and municipal stormwater, including pollutant source identification and resolution
- M.S. degree, Frostburg State University, Frostburg, MD; B.S. degree, Creighton University, Omaha, NE
- Certified Lake Manager, NALMS member, and CT Federation of Lakes Board Member
- Can be contacted at [email protected] or 860-858-3191

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