Learn more about the approach for group interviews to select the best candidate without having a single-minded bias of an individual interview.
Interviews are notorious for being a poor approach to use in employee selection. Research has shown that interviewers jump to conclusions quickly about job applicants and are sometimes unduly swayed by haircuts, the firmness of handshakes, and the physical appearance of applicants. Interviews are also prone to problems such as the like-me bias, in which people are prone to be positively inclined toward applicants who are clones of the interviewers. This material shows how group interviews can overcome the single-minded bias of individual interviews. The information shows how group interviews can be part of a robust approach to picking the best candidate by relying on diverse opinions across a group.

William J. Rothwell, Ph.D., SPHR, SHRM-SCP, RODC, CPTD Fellow
Rothwell & Associates, Inc.
William J. Rothwell, Ph.D., SPHR, SHRM-SCP, CPLP Fellow
- President of Rothwell & Associates, Inc. (see www.rothwellandassociates.com), Professor, Penn State University, University Park, and owner of 6 small businesses
- His practice emphasizes all aspects of talent management and succession planning
- Conducts regular seminars on talent management, succession planning, and Organization Development
- Author of 170 books. His most recent book is about turnover reduction—Motivated to stay (2025).
- Member of Association for Talent Development and the Society for Human Resource Management
- Can be contacted at [email protected] or 814-234-6888

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