Avoid ground failures by understanding the impact of groundwater on soil, foundations, and building systems.
This topic covers the basic ground failure mechanisms that cause property damage and the role groundwater plays in these failures. We will review recent case studies to examine how groundwater impacts building and infrastructure systems, and updated techniques and considerations in investigation and design. Climate change is a new factor and the magnitude and potential effect on the built environment is not fully understood yet. We know climate change is affecting baseline conditions and risks faster than regulatory control can accommodate. Recent failures provide lessons learned for technical professionals to incorporate into planning and design studies.

Antonios Vytiniotis, Ph.D., P.E.
Exponent, Inc.
- Managing engineer with Exponent
- Has worked on numerous projects in more than 20 states and multiple countries, assisting law firms, insurance companies and owners/developers. He has background in structural and geotechnical engineering
- Analyses consist of assessing soil improvement, dam safety, causation of MSE wall failures, effects of adjacent construction, soil heave or settlements, pipeline installation, water intrusion, and backfill quality. He is experienced in evaluating slope stability, performing mechanical and flow-through-porous media finite element analyses and soil-structure interaction using various software such as Plaxis, Flac, Geostudio, ABAQUS, LPILE, FEFLOW and GROUP
- Taught graduate level geotechnical classes as a lecturer at MIT
- Ph.D. degree from MIT
- Licensed in 5 states and two countries
- Peer reviewer in the Journal for Numerical Methods and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics
- Member of ASTM F17 Committee on Plastic Piping Systems
- Can be contacted at 508-808-3329 or [email protected]

Lauren J. Doyel, P.E., G.E.
Exponent, Inc.
- Managing engineer with Exponent
- More than 30 years of experience in forensic and geotechnical design studies, and construction for public agencies, private developers and insurers
- Background in land use planning, geology and geotechnical engineering, licensed California Geotechnical Engineer
- Forensic investigation of large failures including Love Creek landslide (1982), Big Rock Mesa landslide (1985), Flying Triangle Landslide and Linda Levee failure (1986)
- Technical and field management of assessment districts on active landslides
- Geotechnical and coastal engineering third party peer review for more than a half-dozen cities in southern California
- Specialty in marine geotechnical engineering investigation and design for nearshore and offshore structures and dredging
- High school outreach speaker STEM (Los Angeles Region), past president and Engineer of the Year 2011, ASCE Santa Barbara Ventura Chapter
- Can be contacted at 310-754-2741 or [email protected]

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