Learn the complex income tax issues associated with grantor trusts and maintain your position as an authority on trusts.
The sale to an intentionally defective grantor trust is one of the most powerful and versatile estate and asset protection strategies available. Proper employment of this strategy can allow a trust maker to transfer significant assets to successive generations with minimal or no gift tax consequences. Transferred assets can be protected from the trust maker's and beneficiaries' creditors and are often excluded from the trust maker's and beneficiaries' estates for estate tax purposes. However, perhaps no other strategy requires a detailed understanding of the interaction of income taxes, particularly when and how gains are recognized, and the estate tax. Deeply understanding these rules can make the strategy hugely successful, while failing to understand the way these different sections of the code impact a transaction will drastically reduce or even negate the benefits to the trust maker client.

Kevin D. Quinn, J.D.
Legacy Counsellors, P.C.
- Founder and president of Legacy Counsellors, P.C., an estate and business planning law firm, serving successful individuals and families throughout the country
- AVVO, superb rating
- Member of the Wealth Counsel and Elder Counsel
- Accomplished estate and wealth strategies planner
- Founder and instructor of Wealth Strategies Institute, LLC, a professional education institute which provides continuing education to Certified Public Accountants, Certified Financial Planners, attorneys, development officers and insurance professionals
- Frequent speaker and has written and collaborated on numerous publications including Generations, Strictly Business, and Giving
- Has successfully implemented the strategies presented in numerous jurisdictions for 20 years
- Graduate of the Esperti Peterson Master’s Program

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