Gain an understanding of anti-bribery and anti-corruption (ABAC) compliance.
This material will highlight emerging trends and updates from leading enforcement agencies. It will also showcase elements of effective ABAC compliance programs. Additionally, case studies will illuminate the success of a properly developed ABAC compliance program to mitigate bribery and corruption risk and the potential consequences that can occur in the absence of one.

Cary Walker
- Performed numerous anti-bribery and anti-corruption (ABAC) compliance gap assessments for multinational companies
- Supported several internal investigations of Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) allegations, most recently involving a contractor with operations in the Middle East
- Conducted surprise audits to support compliance programs and mitigate fraud risk
- Calculated economic damages on a matter which stemmed from illegal bribery payments
- Developed a transaction testing model to assist with and identify potential high-risk vendors and transactions

Daniel Chomat
- Led multiple ABAC investigations to respond to regulatory inquiries
- Supported several multinational ABAC investigations worldwide, including China, Russia, Latin America, and the Middle East
- Led several ABAC due diligence engagements helping clients assess the potential bribery and corruption risk of potential targets
- Leveraged Spanish-language skills to work with client personnel in Latin America to help facilitate ABAC compliance assessment
- Helped develop a risk-scoring model to identify potential higher-risk transactions in companys’ financial ledgers

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