Discover tax strategies to maximize net proceeds from business sales, covering QSBS, charitable trusts, and F reorganizations.
It is estimated that over 75 percent of the 12 million businesses owned by Baby Boomers will be sold within the next decade. In many transactions, the best that a seller can expect is to keep 65% of the sale proceeds after paying taxes. Advisors need to be able to help these owners take advantage of strategies that can reduce transaction taxes and maximize the net proceeds from the sale of the business. This presentation will examine three tax minimization strategies that can greatly reduce, and in one case eliminate, the tax on the sale of a business. The live webinar will take a deep dive into qualified small business stock, the use of charitable trusts and how to utilize an F reorganization to minimize taxes.

Walter Deyhle, CPA, ABV, CEXP
ENNIS Legacy Partners
- Consultant with Ennis Legacy Partners
- Recently retired partner from a top 115 CPA firm
- Previously headed the firm’s the tax group, business valuation, and exit planning practice areas
- Frequent presenter on tax and exit planning topics
- Co-host of the ExitReadiness Podcast with over 150 episodes produced
- Member of the American Institute of CPAs, Financial Planning Association, and Exit Planning Institute
- B.A. Degree in business management; M.S. Degree in taxation
- Can be contacted at [email protected]

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