Learn the necessary considerations to define, execute, and implement an appropriate succession plan for a client.
Whether a business owner is ready or not to move on, the manner to effectuate a successful transfer is based on a similar identifiable process. This topic provides an outline of the considerations necessary to define, execute, and implement an appropriate succession plan for a client.
The process begins with a discussion of the transferor's motivations when transferring property, whether by choice or due to unforeseen events, what to have in place in the event of a desired transfer or a forced transfer, how to value the business for transfer, and concludes with an examination of the critical tax rules implicated by the transfer.
Lastly, the method of transfer can be affected by a number of factors. We will discuss which type of transfer works best in which situations, how to assure the business owner and their family can financially and personally weather the transfer, and what the estate planning and tax consequences are of a properly or improperly executed succession plan.

Jennifer V. Abelaj
Jennifer V. Abelaj Law Firm
- Principal at Jennifer V. Abelaj Law Firm
- Skilled private client attorney with extensive experience in a variety of tax, estate, and philanthropic planning matters for domestic and international high-net-worth individuals and not-for-profit organizations
- Can be contacted at [email protected], 646-885-1330, abelajlaw.com, or on LinkedIn at www.linkedin.com/in/jenniferabelaj/

Nina Stillman, J.D., L.L.M.
Handler Thayer, LLP
- Senior counsel in the Advanced Planning & Family Office Practice Group at Handler Thayer, LLP
- Over 30 years of experience, focusing on the areas of domestic and international estate planning, charitable giving, wealth transfer, income and estate tax planning, asset protection and reorganization, entity governance and management, business succession planning, estate administration, and litigation
- Can be contacted at [email protected], 312-960-3142, or on LinkedIn at www.linkedin.com/in/ninastillman/

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