Learn steps to properly administer the closing of a probate estate and tax return.
Many estate administration professionals are able to prepare the opening pleadings and documents and know how to take the beginning steps to commence administration; however, many find that closing the estate can be a daunting process; they are left with unresolved issues and are not sure of the next steps. Estates are open far longer than necessary or are administratively closed before the professional can help the fiduciary conclude administration and be properly discharged. This topic helps the persons responsible for closing the estate to understand what steps need to be taken in order to have the fiduciary discharged from further liability to the estate. This material will provide practical guidance on navigating the closing process and ensuring that all tax returns are timely filed. This content provides critical information for estate administration professionals that will allow them to move forward with closing estates and filing final estate tax returns with ease and confidence.

Tereina Stidd, J.D., LL.M.
American Academy of Estate Planning Attorneys, Inc.
- Director of Education at the American Academy of Estate Planning Attorneys, a national organization dedicated to promoting excellence in estate planning
- Co-Author Chapter 6 Homestead in Basic Estate Planning in Florida, 6th-11th ed., published by the Florida Bar
- Member of the Tax and Real Property, Probate, and Trust Law Sections of the Florida Bar
- J.D. degree, the Claude W. Petit College of Law at Ohio Northern University; LL.M. degree in taxation, the University of Miami School of Law; B.A. degree in political science, cum laude, St. Bonaventure University

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