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  • 78 Slides

Financing and Developing a Storm Water Utility Program


Learn how to establish, implement and evaluate a stormwater utility in your community.

As the regulatory requirements for stormwater management continue to put financial pressure on municipal governments, more and more communities are either required to implement a stormwater program or improve their existing program to meet NPDES MS4 stormwater permit requirements and capital needs for resilience, asset renewal and upgrades. In particular, implementation of a stormwater utility and establishing a sustainable approach for funding the stormwater program is often a daunting one, considering the potential political, public and legal challenges standing in the way.
This topic will present a proven framework for a sustainable stormwater program, including the establishment of the need for the program, the identification of an appropriate funding strategy, green infrastructure funding, and process of building public support for your program. An evaluation framework using a program score card will be described for the continuous improvement of any stormwater program. In addition, successful case studies that have followed this framework will be presented. This topic is critical for any community that is either considering pursuit of a stormwater program or the improvement of its existing program in the coming years.



Anthony Dill

Anthony Dill


  • Board certified environmental engineer licensed in 5 states
  • 25 years of experience helping municipalities improve their stormwater and wastewater systems
  • Recently managed stormwater fee studies and implementation of stormwater utilities for 5 municipalities in Pennsylvania
  • Active member of the stormwater committee of the Pennsylvania chapter of WEF
  • Can be contacted at [email protected]
Mark R. Van Auken, P.E., CMS4S, ENV SP

Mark R. Van Auken, P.E., CMS4S, ENV SP


· Practice lead, Stormwater and MS4, Arcadis

· 25 years of experience helping clients develop and implement stormwater programs, including flow monitoring, sampling, modeling, permitting, design, analysis, asset management and utility development

· Has led National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Storm Water Phase I and II permitting-related projects for 17 Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) communities in six states

· Can be contacted at [email protected]

Fernando Pasquel

Fernando Pasquel


· National director, Stormwater & Watershed Management, Arcadis

· More than 30 years of experience helping clients develop and implement watershed and stormwater management programs, including the design of Best Management Practices (BMPs) and green infrastructure, and the development of program effectiveness indicators and alternative monitoring programs

· Can be contacted at [email protected]

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