Better understand the differences between the FECA process and state workers compensation.
There are over two million federal employees working directly for the United States Government in civil service. These range from postal workers to air traffic controllers to federal law enforcement officers. When these employees are injured on the job, they cannot sue their employer nor can they avail themselves to state workers' compensation systems. Instead, they must file claims under the Federal Employees Compensation Act (FECA), an administrative process with no judicial review. This is a dramatically underserved group of injured workers who need representation.

Daniel Goodkin
Brown & Goodkin, Federal Employment Rights Attorneys
Daniel M. Goodkin
- Managing Partner
- Exclusively representing federal employees in employment matters, including workplace injuries, disability retirement, adverse actions/wrongful termination, and discrimination
- Section Chair of the Federal Section of the Workers Injury Law & Advocacy Group (WILG) for the past 7 years. Presented at the Annual WILG Conference on a variety of topics from 2014 through the present. Also presented periodically to the National Employment Lawyers Association (NELA) (2010 through 2022), LRP Publications Conference (ECAB Year in Review 2013), and WorkCompCentral (The Future of Workers Compensation 2020)
- Can be contacted at Email: [email protected] and Phone: 805-496-9777
- B.A. degree, University of California Los Angeles; J.D. degree, Loyola Law School

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