Whether you represent companies, individuals, or government agencies, the outcomes of American elections affect your clients’ prospects and goals. In this election season, you may be asked what a client may contribute to a U.S. Senate candidate or what an employer may say to her employees about the U.S. Presidential race. The answers may not be what they seem on first inspection. The federal election laws are complex and the U.S. Supreme Court has drastically changed the legal landscape in recent years. Many clients do not understand what they are allowed to do and what they are not allowed to do to influence federal elections. This topic will help you to identify the major pitfalls for clients involved in federal elections, whether as citizens or employers or candidates. Learn the basics of federal campaign finance law and how it applies to all of the major players in the federal election system. We will also discuss important U.S. Supreme Court decisions like Citizens United v. FEC and their impact on the upcoming elections.
Paul W. Ambrosius
Trauger & Tuke
- Litigator and election lawyer with Trauger & Tuke in Nashville, Tennessee
- Practice emphasizes civil litigation and strategic advice, especially involving government agencies
- Advised two U.S. presidential campaigns and has served as principal counsel to state and local political parties; represented group of individual voters accused of having voted unlawfully; lead counsel to house candidate and judicial candidate in post-election litigation
- Conducts regular seminars and workshops on election law, administrative law, and appellate practice
- Adjunct Professor of Law, Vanderbilt University Law School, 2006 - present
- J.D. degree, Columbia Law School
- Can be contacted at [email protected]

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