Learn best practices to ensure your overdraft program is compliant.
This topic will provide a comprehensive look at overdraft programs, the benefits they provide to depository institutions and the compliance issues that they face. Overdraft programs while maligned by consumer groups are valued services for many bank customers and important sources of revenues for banks. At the same time, because of the level of regulatory attention that they have received the supervisory expectations for these programs can be high and complex operational issues can raise compliance problems. Learn about the issues and the potential pitfalls and some ways to avoid them.

Oliver Ireland
Morrison & Foerster LLP
- Senior Counsel at the firm of Morrison & Foerster LLP
- Practice focuses on retail financial services and bank regulatory issues including consumer protection regulations and CFPB powers and initiatives, and all types of payment transactions, including compliance with NACHA rules
- Previously a partner at the Firm and Associate General Counsel at the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
- Extensive experience in payment system issues including developing key Federal Reserve payment system initiatives including Regulation CC, Check 21, and the Federal Reserves Payments System Risk Policy, and well as participating in UCC drafting and international policy development on payment systems
- J.D. degree, University of Texas School of Law; B.A. degree, Yale University
- Can be contacted at 202-778-1614

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