Get an overview of the issues in evaluating malingering in forensic assessments.
In this topic, Dr. Fisher will help you understand how psychologists and psychiatrists evaluate deception in claimants with psychological and neuropsychological problems. This will include a discussion of the importance of objective psychological tests, and the specific psychological tests used to evaluate deception. Methods to identify suspicious, and valid, claims will be covered, as well as techniques insurers can use to obtain higher quality evaluations. This material will help you understand a) how psychologists and psychiatrists evaluate deception in claimants with psychological and neuropsychological problems, b) how to identify suspicious claims, c) how to increase your chances of obtaining a higher quality evaluation, d) the principles that psychologists and psychiatrists follow when evaluating deception e) the importance of objective psychological tests, and f) specific psychological tests used to evaluate deception.

David Fisher, Ph.D., LP, ABPP
PsyBar LLC
- Co-founder and former president of PsyBar LLC
- Currently serving as chairman of the board of PsyBar LLC
- Actively oversees psychological and psychiatric independent medical evaluations, file reviews, and fitness for duty/violence risk assessments performed across the country through a network of 1600 psychologists and psychiatrists
- Responsible for the educational programming at PsyBar LLC, taken by hundreds of doctors and PsyBar LLC clients yearly
- Recipient of the Innovative Practice Award, a presidential citation given by the president of the American Psychological Association
- Publishes and lectures across the United States on psychiatric and psychological assessment
- Conducts regular training webinars and seminars on fitness for duty evaluations/risk assessment
- Can be contacted at 952-285-9000 or [email protected]

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