Gain a better understanding on how to prepare clients and lawyers for different right and contractual relationships that take place during a bankruptcy.
Contracts and leases form the bedrock foundation of business transactions. Enforceability of these agreements inspires confidence and facilitates acceptable risk taking. When a party to a contract or lease files for bankruptcy, certainty and reliance can turn to confusion and questions. Clients and lawyers must quickly adapt and view these agreements in a new light. This topic will give you a better understanding of executory contracts and unexpired leases, what they are and how the bankruptcy code affects enforceability and expands certain rights while limiting others. The speaker will discuss what to do during the period between the bankruptcy filing and assumption or rejection, the requirements for assumption and rejection and the effect of both. This information will prepare clients and lawyers for the different rights and leverage that a bankruptcy can bring to settled contractual relationships.

Tom Maxson
Cohen & Grigsby, P.C.
- Director in the Pittsburgh office of Cohen & Grigsby, P.C.
- Tom counsels clients in various aspects of bankruptcy law, commercial finance and creditors rights
- Frequent presenter on bankruptcy and creditors rights topics
- Board certified; Business Bankruptcy Law American Board of Certification
- Selected to Thomson Reuters Pennsylvania Super Lawyers list, 2013-2014, bankruptcy law
- Selected to Thomson Reuters Pennsylvania Super Lawyers list, Creditor Debtor Rights, 2015-2018
- J.D. degree, cum laude, University of Pittsburgh, School of Law; B.A. degree, economics, Indiana University, Bloomington
- Can be contacted at [email protected] or 412-297-4706

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