Ensure you are up to speed and providing the highest quality and cost-effective health benefits.
Employee health benefit options are always changing and evolving. Many employers rely heavily on their broker or consultant to explain different insurance plans options and for strategies on how best to conduct the open enrollment season. This topic helps the person responsible for selecting the insurance plans and rolling it out to the employees arm themselves with the knowledge to effectively discern between fully insured, self-funding or some hybrid, as well as what ancillary insurance products fit your company and how best to communicate all of this to the employee population.

Tobias Kennedy
Montage Insurance Solutions
- President of Montage Insurance Solutions and CEO of Simpolicy
- Industry leader in group employee benefits programs and designing insurance packages for organizations
- Conducts regular seminars and workshops on numerous insurance and compliance topics
- Wrote several publications related to the areas of health insurance
- Licensed in employee benefits and fire and casualty, ACA certified
- Underwriting training from Blue Shield of California
- B.A. degree in political science, Loyola Marymount University
- Can be contacted at [email protected] or 818-903-5851

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