Be certain your evidence always meets the standards for admissibility established by the Federal Rules of Evidence.
This topic will delve into the rules that govern the identification, preservation, collection and presentation of electronic evidence, with a specific focus on the ethical rules governing such activities. The intersection of the rules of ethics, evidence, civil procedure and technology will be the focus of this material. Recent caselaw, as well as ethics opinions, will be discussed. Define the types of evidence subject to admission in legal proceedings, the limitations on gathering such evidence and the requirements to ensure that the evidence meets the standards for admissibility established by the Federal Rules of Evidence. You will be able to counsel clients on the collection and retention of such evidence and you will be aware of the ethical limitations that govern the identification, gathering, presentation and presentation of electronic evidence.

Cecilia R. Dickson
The Webb Law Firm
· Partner, The Webb Law Firm, IP focused boutique of 50+ IP lawyers located in Pittsburgh, PA
· 15+ years of trademark specific experience, including, international filing strategies, prosecution, portfolio management, enforcement litigation and licensing
· Former president of the Pennsylvania Bar Association IP Law Section, the Pittsburgh Intellectual Property Law Association and the Q. Todd Dickinson Inn of Court
· Graduate of Harvard Law School

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