Learn how to leverage technology for everyday tasks to become more organized and more technology-aware.
Administrative professionals are required to use technology every day on the job, but all too often, their skills are self-taught. As a result, they aren't aware of the many resources out there to help them become more tech savvy. This information will help all administrative professionals to support corporate collaborations, better track documents through content management systems, identify software applications that will reduce their workload through streamlined tasks and discover educational resources to reduce the learning curve for new software programs they are assigned in the workplace.

Phil Gerbyshak
Phil Gerbyshak
- Founder of Phil Gerbyshak
- Presents programs, trains, and coaches people how to build their business by maximizing their use of technology and social media in their day-to-day jobs
- Written 5 books, more than 2500 articles, and been quoted in the Wall Street Journal, Daily Globe and Mail, Financial Times, Investor’s Business Daily, Inc. and many other publications
- Can help develop a strategy and bring in professionals to implement the strategy for you, with input and assistance from your business
- Former vice president of information technology at a full service financial services company, where he and his team were responsible for supporting over 100 applications used by advisors, investment bankers, research analysts and support staff
- Past director of social strategy for a compliance software vendor focused on the financial services vertical, where he coached, consulted with and trained customers and prospects how to integrate social media and social selling into their daily sales practices
- Currently the vice president of sales training at Vector Solutions, a SaaS company headquartered in Tampa, Florida

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* For audio recordings you only pay shipping
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