Are you in compliance with the new ERISA regulations?Disability insurers and administrators of disability plans operate in a highly regulated environment, and the Department of Labor has issued regulations controlling adjudication of disability claims by administrators that significantly deviate from past practices in the industry.
The regulations impose specific requirements for communicating with claimants, as well as additional substantive rules affecting the adjudication of such claims by administrators. This live webinar will help those charged with administering disability claims learn to comply with the regulations. It will explain what practices to follow, how to change past practices to become compliant with the regulations, and the risks of non-compliance. This workshop is critical for administrators, disability insurers and employers who want to ensure they are compliant with the applicable regulations.

Stephen Rosenberg, Esq.
The Wagner Law Group
- Partner in the Boston office of The Wagner Law Group, and Chair of the ERISA Litigation Practice
- Practice emphasizes all aspects of ERISA litigation, including disability and other benefit claims
- Conducts regular seminars and workshops on ERISA litigation issues
- Author of several publications related to ERISA and benefit litigation
- Massachusetts Super Lawyer
- Sole author of the award winning Boston ERISA & Insurance Litigation Blog
- Contact information [email protected]

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