Learn how to classify waste and analyze exceptions or exemptions that may apply.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has revised its solid and hazardous waste rules under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) to provide for different means of defining when a waste is regulated, whether it is a solid waste, or hazardous waste. In addition, the EPA has addressed issues relating to when a waste generator is regulated and to the degree to which the generator is regulated. This topic will walk you through the history of the rules, challenges that arose, and how the rules have changed. It will provide a how to approach to classifying waste and analyzing exceptions or exemptions that may apply.

Scott D. Deatherage
- Over 32 years of experience in environmental law
- Served on local, state, and national bar association environmental committees and lead several of them
- Successfully negotiated resolutions of classification of waste issues with state environmental agencies and the EPA
- Negotiated with the State of Texas and the EPA in a hazardous waste enforcement action involving a claim the client was a large quantity generator
- Convinced the state and the EPA that in fact the client had not violated any laws based on federal constitutional laws and state and federal statutes and regulations; the EPA dismissed the enforcement action
- Resolved issues relating to waste classification involving wastes from steel plants, refineries, chemical plants, and a variety of other commercial and industrial processes
- Top environmental lawyer by Best Lawyers of America, Texas Super Lawyers, Best Environmental Lawyers in Dallas, Best Lawyers in Dallas, Dallas Magazine, America’s Leading Lawyers for Business, and Who's Who Legal, Texas
- Published a book with Oxford University Press entitled Carbon Trading Law and Practice
- Taught climate change law at the University of Texas Law School
- Can be contacted at 214-356-0979 or [email protected]

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