Learn the methods required for achieving work/life balance.
For many professionals today, finding balance has been an arduous task, whether it stems from finding balance or from understanding what balance truly is. This presentation will help you transform your thought process to not thinking about balance but management and find steps to take to effectively manage life better, in and out of the office. The presentation will also explain the methods required for achieving balance. This topic is critical to the overall well-being of professionals and to ensure they can meet the demands of their work and personal lives.

Damien McCombs
Building Well-being and Resilience
- Founder and lead instructor for Building Well-being and Resilience: Increasing Human Performance
- Certified resilience instructor, coach, and facilitator; trained performance coach and wellness coach
- 20 years in the U.S. Army as a Ranger, Infantryman, and Senior Leader
- Conducted hundreds of public speeches and interviews as an SME on leadership and team resilience, including Resilience Leadership, White House Fellowship (2018); Enhancing Team and Leadership Resilience and Performance workshop series, Honduras (2020); Effective Leadership Communication webinar, management conference, Geneva (2020); Workplace Synergy: Syncing with Leadership, workshop, Department of State Language Supervisors and Administrators (2021)

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