Update your e-communication skill set to build relationships and get the results you're looking for.
In a survey compiled in 2020, Project.co found the majority of people in an organization regularly had to repeat information to others, and most found that annoying. In addition, in our post-2020 world, people are working in many different ways and myriad places. Finally, in many workplaces, electronic mediums make up the majority of our professional communication channels. That is why it is important to be well-versed in the etiquette rules of various mediums used for electronic communication.
This presentation will share best practices for using proper etiquette when communicating electronically via phone, email, instant messaging, and social media or web platforms. It will also share tips on identifying the most appropriate electronic medium for various types of communication. Finally, it will demonstrate why professionalism still matters in these mediums.

Patricia Simpson
Game Changing Etiquette
- Owner/consultant at Game Changing Etiquette
- Has worked in higher education for over 25 years; currently the Director of Academic Advising and Career Services for the School of Chemical Sciences at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Has presented etiquette dinners and workshops to corporations, universities, and civic groups for over 15 years, including Dow, Shoals Chamber of Commerce, First Metro Bank, Alabama JLDC, Dominican University, and the University of California Riverside
- Delivered and moderated webinars for groups of 1000+ for the American Chemical Society as well as a number of other professional organizations, multi-show guest on In the Know with the Shoals and WCIA’s Current
- Certified etiquette consultant through The Etiquette Institute©
- Golden Shamrock Award, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Outstanding Service Award, University of North Alabama; Rotary International Group Studies Exchange; Outstanding Placement Professional of the Year, Alabama Association of Colleges and Employers
- M.Ed. degree, Azusa Pacific University; B.A. degree, Concordia College
- Can be contacted at [email protected], 217-722-0286, or www.gamechangingetiquette.com

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