The CDC has issued an Ebola Monitoring & Movement Guidance along with instructions on Personal Protective Equipment Training. Both health care and non-health care employers face very immediate decisions about how to treat employees who have recently traveled to infected areas, employees with confirmed infections, those too scared to come to work, and a barrage of employee questions about what the employer is doing to make the workplace as safe as possible.
This detailed examination of employer options and pandemic planning will focus on the latest guidance from the CDC and OSHA, focusing on avoiding liability under the broad range of applicable employment laws, including the Americans With Disability Act, Title VII, confidentiality issues under HIPAA and state torts, workers’ compensation, and benefit and leave laws including the Family and Medical Leave Act, USERRA and ERISA.

Donald W. Benson
Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C.
- Attorney at Kenneth S. Nugent, P.C.
- Pandemic and infectious diseases in the workplace
- Frequent national speaker and writer on communicable disease issues in the workplace, including coronavirus, pandemic planning, H1N1 (swine flu), H5N1 (avian flu), tuberculosis, and MRSA staph infections
- Has been quoted in USA Today, ABC News, Employment Law 360, Mondaq and the Human Resources Report of BNA, Inc., on recent MRSA staph infection outbreaks and employer's efforts to prevent and respond to such workplace crises in compliance with the privacy, leave, and discrimination law issues facing employers
- Lectures and writes on pandemic issues for a variety of legal and HR associations
- Previously was a member for 32 years with labor management law firms in Atlanta
- Member, Georgia State Bar and the Atlanta, Georgia and American Bar Associations
- Writes an employment blog related to employee overtime and lost wages -
- Can be contacted at 770-820-0817 or [email protected]

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