Eliminate the need for statistical process control (SPC), while increasing corporate profits and efficiency.
Traditionally, quality control is viewed as being expensive. This is particularly true in companies that emphasize statistical methods, including 6 Sigma. Remarkably, no one has ever demonstrated a cause and effect relationship between the use of statistical methods and system level defect rates. Thus, companies spend a lot of money trying to achieve acceptable levels of quality yet still struggle with significant issues. Most quality initiatives simply don't deliver what has been promised. Even with Poka-Yoke, or Mistake-Proofing, the view is that quality can be free, meaning that the savings pay for the quality investment.
Failing to understand that mistakes are the dominant source of quality problems today, and that eliminating and controlling mistakes requires more than just Poka-Yoke are the reasons that most quality improvement initiatives fail. The key to perfect quality is the SMS Method developed by Assured Quality and Visual Thinking based on Simplifying, Mistake-Proofing, and Settings. This approach eliminates the need for statistical process control (SPC), while increasing corporate profits, and efficiency--it is better than free. It PAYS, as validated by extensive highly correlated data. An understanding of mistakes and the proper control methods are crucial to every individual and organization that desires to achieve outstanding results with minimum effort.

C. Martin Hinckley
Assured Quality
- President of Assured Quality, Inc. which is affiliated with Gwendolyn Galsworth at Visual Thinking, Inc.
- Dr. Hinckley was a Distinguished Member of the Technical Staff at Sandia National Laboratories, and the lead engineer and manager on major multi-billion dollar projects for national security, where the application of the concepts on quality cut product development costs two thirds. He is the recipient of the Westgard Quality Award presented in Antwerp. He is a former Adjunct Professor for Operations Management for the MBA program at Utah State University
- Conducts regular seminars and workshops on Mistake-proofing
- Author of the book, Make No Mistake, An Outcome Based Approach to Mistake-Proofing, and numerous articles on this subject in such diverse fields of Clinical Chemistry, Health care, Medical Equipment Manufacturing, Automation, Manufacturing, and Composites among others
- Ph.D. degree, Stanford University, Mechanical Engineering
- Contact be contacted at [email protected] or (435) 734-9584

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