Learn more about the updates that took place recently within Dodd-Frank that was passed through Senate.
The Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection Act was signed into law on May 24, 2018. Banks of all sizes have been anticipating relief from the regulatory burden of the Dodd-Frank act since the 2016 presidential election. Now that it has come, there is a mixture of relief and confusion, as there are lingering questions as to how the changes impact bank operations. Further, with the states poised to fill the regulatory gap left by this rollback, how far should banks go in relaxing their internal policies and procedures? This topic helps bankers understand the full scope of the changes and how it impacts their business. It provides executives, credit officers, compliance officers, and operational managers with the information necessary to make smart business decisions about how to adapt to the changes.

Ashley M. Elmore Drew, Esq.
Spencer Fane
- Senior Counsel in the Tampa office of Greenspoon Marder LLP
- Provides legal and regulatory compliance guidance to business, real estate, and financial services clients on a wide range of Federal and State topics, including but not limited to the following: RESPA, SCRA, TILA, MLA, PACE Financing, Vendor Management, ECOA, FDCPA, FCRA, FACTA, UDAAP, FATCA, FACTA and myriad regulations. She also represents clients in regulatory and consumer defense litigation
- Was featured in the Tampa Bay Business Journal, discussing the impact of the 2016 election on Dodd-Frank and the effect on community banks
- Has written numerous articles
- Can be contacted at 813-769-7038 or [email protected]

Jacob Boehner, Esq.
Greenspoon Marder LLP
- Associate in the Tampa office and Litigation practice group of Greenspoon Marder LLP
- Concentrates practice in the areas of commercial litigation and consumer finance
- Worked on projects involving deceptive and unfair trade practices, business torts, secured transactions, the Telephone Consumer Protection Act, the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, the Fair Credit Reporting Act, the Military Lending Act, and more
- Frequent contributor to Greenspoon Marder’s Consumer Finance Blog
- Can be contacted at (813) 769-7032 or [email protected]

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