Gain a better understanding of how to prepare staff in an environment of document imaging.
Many Health Information Management departments are still prepping charts that come from all departments of a hospital system. This means that there is a potential time lag in making this critical information available to providers. The first place to start is selecting a document imaging solution for any paper being produced outside of your EMR system. But let's take this a step further. What if we move document imaging out of the HIM department and into each clinical area of a hospital? This will allow any paper generated to be scanned into the EMR immediately allowing providers the availability of the patient information from any web enabled PC from the moment it is scanned. Learn how to move your scanning out of the HIM department so that you can take your HIM team to the next level - quality!

Georgena Brackett, RHIA, LCSW, FACHE, MBA
Med Center Health
- System Health Information Management director – Med Center Health
- Memberships include ACHE, NASW, AHIMA, KHIMA
- Webinars and presentations provided for Lorman Education Services, 3M, CIOX, HFMA, KHIMA, AHIMA
- A.S. degree in HIM and B.S. degree in general studies, with a concentration in psychology, Western Kentucky University; M.S. degree in social work, University of Louisville; M.B.A. degree, Western Kentucky University
- Can be contacted at 270-745-1276 or [email protected]

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