Learn tips on how to properly litigate infringement of copyright owners under the DMCA.
Many businesses, small and large do not understand their rights. This is in regards to online copyright infringement under the Digital Millennium Act (DMCA). Many internet service providers do not understand the steps to take to shield themselves from litigation, and many copyright owners do not understand how to effectively address infringement with regard to online service providers. This topic helps internet service providers and copyright owners navigate and leverage the DMCA. It explains the steps that both providers and copyright owners can take to best achieve their respective objectives. Needless litigation is a large source of inefficiency for providers, copyright owners, and even the market at large. Armed with simple knowledge, business owners can circumvent this and address concerns smoothly. The DMCA is a tool you can use to further the proper functioning of your business.

Salar Atrizadeh, Esq.
Law Offices of Salar Atrizadeh
- Principal and founder of the Law Offices of Salar Atrizadeh
- Practice emphasizes all aspects of internet, computer, and technology laws
- Conducts regular seminars and workshops on internet and technology laws; see https://www.atrizadeh.com/salar-atrizadeh-esq.html
- Author of several publications related to the areas of your practice area; please refer to internetlawyer-blog.com
- Education; see atrizadeh.com/salar-atrizadeh-esq.html
- Membership information; see atrizadeh.com/salar-atrizadeh-esq.html
- Can be contacted at [email protected], atrizadeh.com, or Twitter: @SalarAtrizadeh

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