Be aware of key structural design issues and design requirements.
Plans prepared by architects, builders and others who may not be well versed in all aspects of structural design are all-too frequently submitted for building permits and released by construction officials, who also are not qualified to identify structural design defects.
This topic will demonstrate key structural design issues to be addressed for any low-scale building, with focus on wood-framed residential construction. Common defects with design of foundations, floor framing, wall framing and roof framing are identified, with design requirements then discussed to allow for adequate design. Design for lateral wind resistance, which is often a major design deficiency, is also addressed.
John F. Mann, P.E.
Structural Support LLC
- Principal of Structural Support LLC
- Practice emphasizes all aspects of structural engineering for low-rise buildings and structures
- Conducts regular seminars and webinars on structural design for low-rise buildings
- See web site for numerous articles
- Education: Princeton University 1977
- Membership, NSPE, AISC
- Can be contacted at [email protected] or 732-556-6080

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