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Delivering Effective Feedback to Remote Employees


Make the difference in the achievement of your remote workers by providing effective feedback.

Most experiences with feedback in a work environment are annual performance reviews. And they are usually top-down, one-sided conversations that rarely leave a huge impact on you once you finish. Feedback shouldn't be relegated to times when you need to correct or improve an employee's behavior. It should be consistent and reliable. Giving feedback to remote employees comes with special challenges. All types of communication are vital to success. However, giving feedback to remote workers in a virtual workplace is one of the most critical, as well as often overlooked, components of communication in a business that utilizes remote workers. It's easy to fall into a pattern with remote workers of just communicating feedback and moving on. Effective feedback in a remote workplace can make the difference in the achievement of your remote workers. Providing regular and detailed communication will keep them on task as well as productive and motivated. The more specific your communication, the more successful your message will be. This topic will address the challenges of delivering feedback in a remote setting.



Audrey Halpern

Audrey Halpern

ARH Employee Training

  • President of ARH Employee Training, working to create and customize employee soft skills training programs that fit the culture of her clients
  • More than 20 years of training facilitation/learning and development career, developing custom soft skills employee programs, onboarding, and Train the Trainer experience
  • Faculty member of the American Management Association where she trains communication skills
  • Corporate trainer for Fortune 500 companies across the country and globally
  • Partners with business coaches, HR leaders, and other business leaders to facilitate corporate and institutional training events
  • Member of several professional organizations and has received numerous certifications
  • Writes weekly articles on LinkedIn® Pulse that have garnered much recognition and an international following
  • Can be contacted at [email protected];; twitter@trainsemployees;;

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