Are you in compliance? Learn more about proper worker classification and the legal protections needed to avoid liabilities and costly claims.
Many nonprofits rely on a mix of interns, volunteers, consultants and employees, with a variety of statutes and regulations that apply to these different classes and carry steep penalties for misclassifying the worker. Nonprofit managers and directors may not be tracking the evolution of rapidly developing employment movements, expectations and legal requirements. This topic helps the persons responsible for worker classification apply the proper tests to analyze worker classification and avoid potentially crippling wage claims and penalties. The material also explains the evolving employment areas that can ensnare your nonprofit in litigation, such as #MeToo, gender pay equity requirements, and minimum wage increases. Failing to understand proper worker classification and the legal protections that can attach to proper classification places many nonprofits at risk. This information is critical for nonprofit employers so they can ensure they have analyzed their risk and taken the proper steps to avoid costly claims.

Karen A. Kalzer
Helsell Fetterman LLP
- Partner in the office of Helsell Fetterman LLP
- Practice emphasizes all aspects of employment law for nonprofits, schools and communities of faith
- Conducts regular seminars and workshops locally and nationally on numerous employment topics and developing areas affecting nonprofits as well as ethics in handling legal claims
- Committee chair of the CLM Religious & NonProfits Committee; faculty member of the Claims and Litigation Management Alliance Claims College
- Author of several publications related to the areas of employment law and religious communities, employment in independent schools, and developing labor topics
- Admissions include Washington State Bar, Oregon State Bar, Western District of Washington, United States Supreme Court
- J.D. degree, cum laude, Seattle University School of Law; B.A. degree, University of Oregon; Litigation Management Institute CLMP
- Can be contacted at 206-689-2125 or [email protected]

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