Learn best practices for overseeing construction project personnel to protect against accidents giving rise to criminal liability.
Concern for safety is apparent on construction projects throughout the country and world, as evidenced by daily/weekly construction briefings and the familiar signs that track how many days since a work accident. Those that work in the construction industry know firsthand the dangers and want to see their co-workers go home safely to their families after a long day. In addition, time is money in this business. Safe projects are more likely to be profitable projects due to lack of delays and prevention of claims for jobsite injuries. For employers, criminal liability for jobsite construction accidents is more and more a concern with high profile incidents dotting the headlines. This topic will help those responsible for hiring, training, staffing and overseeing construction project personnel understand how first to establish and implement hiring processes with an eye toward limited exposure to jobsite accidents giving rise to criminal liability, explain the methods of assessing risks during both the preconstruction and construction stages, and how to document such risks, and will highlight compliance with federal and state laws addressing worksite accidents.

Christopher D. Meyer
Burr & Forman
- Partner in the Jackson, Mississippi office of Burr & Forman LLP
- Practice emphasizes all aspects of construction and project development, from preconstruction contract negotiation, to managing and resolving construction claims, to navigating post-construction operations issues
- Counseled and represented clients regarding numerous jobsite accidents, which resulted in severe injury and death
- Active member of the American Bar Association Forum on construction law
- J.D. degree, University of Miami
- Can be contacted at [email protected] or 601-709-3455

Cheri T. Gatlin
Burr & Forman LLP
- Partner in the Jackson, Mississippi office of Burr & Forman LLP
- Practice emphasizes all aspects of construction and project development, from preconstruction contract negotiation, to managing and resolving construction claims, to navigating post-construction operations issues
- Counseled and represented clients regarding numerous jobsite accidents, which resulted in severe injury and death
- Active member of the American Bar Association Forum on construction law
- J.D. degree, with special distinction, Mississippi College School of Law
- Can be contacted at [email protected] or 601-709-3455

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