Examine key issues and strategies to succeed and ensure the collection of money owed to your company.
Sooner or later some of your customers will have business challenges. Learning to work with financially stressed customers is key to the success of your company. Many of your customers with current problems will survive and thrive. You need to identify and help the survivors, because they will be loyal customers in the future. At the same time, you must minimize your risk to those customers who will not make it and know how to collect the money.

Michael R. King
Gammage & Burnham, PLC
- Founding member of Gammage & Burnham, PLC
- Practice emphasizes creditors’ rights and construction issues, and also includes consulting and supervising throughout the firm’s areas of business
- Includes emphasis on creditors’ rights, bankruptcy cases, general litigation, loan documentation, workouts, foreclosures and forcible detainers, as well as deficiency collection and accounts collection
- Client list includes banks, mortgage companies, distributors in various industries and leasing companies
- Former director of the Arizona Chapter of the National Association of Credit Managers (NACM)
- Named Best Lawyer in the areas of bankruptcy and creditor debtor rights for the last 10 years by Best Lawyers in America
- Ranked as a Super Lawyer by Super Lawyers
- Ranked as one of Arizona’s Finest Lawyers by Arizona’s Finest Lawyers Foundation
- Can be contacted at https://www.gblaw.com/professional/michael-r-king/

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