Understand the how's and when's of the creative development within distributions of IRAs.
You will learn how IRAs work, the benefits of IRAs, the distribution rules, when and how to convert to a Roth, how to use trusts as beneficiaries of IRAs, and planning opportunities under SECURE 2.0 and the new proposed regulations.

Bruce D. Steiner, Esq.
Kleinberg, Kaplan, Wolff & Cohen, P.C.
- Attorney with Kleinberg, Kaplan, Wolff & Cohen, P.C.
- Over 45 years of experience in the areas of taxation, estate planning, business succession planning, and estate and trust administration
- Frequent lecturer at continuing education programs for bar associations, CPAs, and other professionals
- Commentator for Leimberg Information Services, Inc., a member of the editorial advisory board of Trusts & Estates, a technical advisor for Ed Slott’s IRA Advisor, and author of numerous articles for professional journals
- Quoted in various publications including Forbes, The New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, Lawyers Weekly, Bloomberg’s Wealth Manager, Financial Planning, Kiplinger’s Retirement Report, Newsday, the New York Post, the Naples Daily News, Individual Investor, CNBC, Fox Business, USA Today, TheStreet.com, and Dow Jones (formerly CBS) Market Watch
- Named a New York Super Lawyer every year since 2010 and named Best Lawyer every year since 2018.
- J.D. degree, cum laude, State University of New York at Buffalo; LL.M. degree in taxation, Gerald L. Wallace scholar, New York University; A.B. degree, Cornell University

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