Gain a better understanding of how to create effective copywriting formulas for writing strong, clear copy that sells.
Human psychology, which is the key to selling in person, in print, and online, has not changed in ten centuries. Yet many of today's marketers are largely unaware of classic copywriting formulas, techniques, methods, and tactics that were common knowledge decades ago, and whose power has not diminished one iota today. In this topic you will discover time-tested principles for writing strong copy - copy that is clear, concise, attention-getting, and persuasive - in other words, copy that sells. These copywriting guidelines are proven to work across all marketing channels, and you will discover how to use them to improve results from every marketing campaign you write - from websites and landing pages, to email marketing and online advertising, to trade journal ads and direct mail.

Bob Bly
Center for Technical Communication
- Director of The Center for Technical Communication
- Freelance copywriter and business writing teacher
- Conducts regular seminars and workshops on numerous business writing, technical writing and copywriting topics
- Wrote, The Elements of Business Writing, a 140-page trade paperback, Pearson, over 150,000 copies sold, plus 90 other books
- American Institute of Chemical Engineers, International Association of Business Communicators
- B.S. degree in chemical engineering, University of Rochester
- Can be contacted at 973-263-0562, [email protected] or on Twitter® @Robertbly

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