Understand the methods used in bird control and the controversies that may arise.
Birds constitute one of the most difficult types of animals to control. Typically, control is expensive and can frequently encounter opposition from those opposed to bird management. This presentation will review the issues and conflicts humans have with birds, legal landmines to avoid, and the methods and strategies (effective and ineffective) used to control birds. The presentation will focus on the management of unprotected birds causing conflicts in structural settings. While attention will center on pigeons, house sparrows, starlings, and woodpeckers, the information is often applicable to other bird species. Resources for further information will round out the material.

Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP
Wildlife Control Consultant
- Owner of WildlifeControlConsultant.com
- Vertebrate Pest Specialist for the Montana Department of Agriculture
- Author of The Wildlife Removal Handbook, 3rd ed.; The Wildlife Damage Inspection Handbook, 3rd ed.; Being Kind to Animal Pests 2nd ed.; The Practical Guide to the Control of Feral Cats; and scores of articles published in various industry trade publications
- Two-time recipient of the National Wildlife Control Operators Association’s Educator of the Year
- M.S. degree, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

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