Gain tips on ways to protect everyone at the worksite and mitigate liability.
The U.S. Department of Labor's definition of an independent contractor has been in a state of flux between the Obama/Trump/Biden administrations. This can create confusion about the classification of workers and the responsibilities the host employer has under the Occupational Safety & Health Act, the Mine Safety & Health Act, and implementing policies. Both agencies provide for situations where an employer can be dually cited, along with staffing agencies or contractors, with penalties of up to $145,000 (OSHA) or $291,000 (MSHA) per violation. Injuries impacting third-party workers--temps, independent contractors, and day laborers--can also trigger tort liability against the host employer or general contractor in the millions of dollars. This session will provide the most current guidance from OSHA/MSHA on their independent contractor protection initiatives and enforcement programs. This course will offer tips on ways to protect everyone at the worksite, coordinate safety programs, improve safety culture, manage compliance, and mitigate liability.

Adele L. Abrams, Esq., ASP, CMSP
Law Office of Adele L. Abrams P.C.
- President, Law Office of Adele L. Abrams, P.C.
- Practice representing employers in OSHA, MSHA and other regulatory and employment law matters.
- Instructs on employment law at U. Of Colorado and Catholic University of America; regular speaker at conferences of NSC, ASSP, and various trade and bar associations.
- Co-author of textbooks: The Safety Professional’s Handbook and Construction Safety Management & Engineering (both published by ASSP)
- Member of NSC, ASSP, American Bar Association
- Avetta Fellow
- National Safety Council’s DSSA Award Winner 2017
- Admitted to practice before multiple state bars, federal courts and the U.S. Supreme Court
- JD, George Washington University; BS, University of Maryland, College Park.
- Can be contacted at [email protected] or 301-613-7498

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