Gain a better understanding of the process of drafting and reviewing contracts.
Every business will engage in discussions and negotiations with customers, suppliers, vendors, manufacturers, subcontractors, and many third parties. How do you know if you have a legally enforceable contract or not? Businesses must learn how to anticipate favorable outcomes and recognize unfavorable or poorly drafted contract provisions. Every contract must be prepared and reviewed with an understanding that a breach of contract will cause costly and time-consuming litigation. This program will help attendees understand the process of drafting and reviewing contracts. Recognizing effective contracts begins with an understanding of the crucial issues in contracts and how contracts are interpreted and enforced. The presentation will then illustrate how this knowledge can aid businesses in forecasting and mitigating the common pitfalls associated with contracts. This topic will explain critical problems that can occur if a diligent approach is not utilized in preparing and reviewing a contract. Every business needs to understand its contractual obligations, liability, and remedies. Businesses will be able to assess their outstanding responsibilities and potential liabilities by navigating contractual provisions with skill and confidence.

Mark H. Zietlow, Esq.
Innovative Law Group
- Attorney at Innovative Law Group
- Represents innovative companies on the cutting edge of technology, retail stores, distributors, service firms, manufacturing companies, and suppliers
- Frequent lecturer on business law
- Admitted to practice in Michigan, Ohio, and the U.S. Tax Court
- Member of the State Bar of Michigan and State Bar of Ohio
- J.D. Degree, The Ohio State University College of Law; M.S. Degree, Grand Valley State University Seidman School of Business; M.A. Degree, The Ohio State University Graduate School of Public Policy and Management; B.A. Degree, Capital University
- Can be contacted at [email protected] or 616-392-4100

Mason Van Gorp
Innovative Law Group
- Law Clerk at Innovative Law Group
- Knowledgeable about contractual issues
- J.D. degree, Michigan State University College of Law
- Can be contacted at [email protected]

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