Learn to recognize the safety risks in the construction industry and the proactive measures that can help control the risk of hazards.
Losses from workplace injuries, illnesses, and fatalities is a critical financial liability for every organization. In 2017, over twenty percent of the workplace fatalities in the private sector occurred in the construction industry. The direct, indirect, hidden and overhead costs associated with adverse safety events lead to financial burden and taking effective proactive measures to minimize such events is a major challenge for the industry. Receive an overview on the key safety and human factors that help organizations and risk managers recognize the safety risks in the construction industry and the proactive measures that can help control the risk of hazards. Scientific research findings and case studies will be discussed to provide additional guidance.

Sunil Lakhiani, Ph.D., P.E., CSP
- Managing engineer at Exponent
- Human factors practice
- Certified Safety Professional (CSP)
- Over 12 years of experience in safety assessments, accident/injury trend analysis and incident investigations
- Testified as an expert witness in multiple cases
- Wrote several publications in the fields of human factors, safety culture analysis, and occupational safety
- Member of the American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP), Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES) and the Society of Chemical Hazard Communication (SCHC)
- Ph.D. degree in industrial and systems engineering
- Can be contacted at 630-658-7524, [email protected] or https://www.exponent.com/professionals/l/lakhiani-sunil-d

David Warnick
Johnson & Bell, Ltd.
- Attorney of Johnson & Bell, Ltd
- Practice emphasizes all aspects of transportation, general liability and health care
- ABA, CBA, and Illinois Association of Defense Trial Counsel
- J.D. degree, University of Dayton, Capital University School of Law
- Can be contacted at [email protected] or 312-984-0264

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