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Construction Ghost Schedules - Does Your Project Have Ghosts?

Learn about the pros and cons of utilizing Ghost Schedules.Ghost Schedules are used behind the scenes on construction projects for various purposes. Contractors use them to record their original plan when owners refuse to approve early completion schedules or fail to grant time extensions as well as to manage subcontractors/suppliers to early finish dates. The U.S. Court of Federal Claims has ruled that contractors are not required to advise the owner of its planned early completion, thus giving rise to an increased use of Ghost Schedules. Owners use Ghost Schedules when contractor schedules or updates are deemed unusable and an accurate as-built schedule is needed to permit independent delay analysis. Since a Ghost Schedule is not the contract schedule there are pros and cons concerning its use. This topic’s goal is to show how Ghost Schedules can be used by both parties for better project control, more accurate decision making and faster resolution of claims as well as the associated risks.



James G. Zack, Jr.

James G. Zack, Jr.

Navigant Consulting, Inc.

  • Executive director, Navigant Construction Forum™ – the construction industry’s global resource for thought leadership and best practices on avoidance and resolution of construction project disputes globally
  • Former executive director, Corporate Claims Management, Fluor Corporation; vice president, PinnacleOne; and senior construction claims consultant, CH2M HILL, Inc.
  • More than 40 years’ experience and is a recognized expert in mitigation, analysis and resolution or defense of construction claims
  • Certified forensic claims consultant, a certified construction manager and a project management professional as well as a nationally known author and speaker on construction claims

• Fellow of AACE International, the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors and a Fellow of Forensic Analysis from the International Guild of Project Controls

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