Learn about the most common types of failures of structural systems and how you can be better prepared to avoid them.
Many in the public think of structural engineering as a complex accounting problem involving tedious calculations of loads and resistances. Many aspiring engineers think of structural design as the application of formulas and code provisions to create prolific structures that are safe and code compliant in their completed state. In reality, good structural engineering involves much more than applied mathematics and an instant-in-time design mentality. Good structural engineering also requires an understanding of behavior, the proposed and potential uses of buildings being designed or renovated, construction processes, material performance in different environments, and coordination with other design disciplines. You will learn about common problems that can develop in structural design of permanent and temporary systems so that you can be better prepared to avoid them.

Daniel R. Cook, P.E., S.E.
Simpson Gumpertz & Heger Inc.
Daniel R. Cook, P.E., S.E., P.Eng.
- Associate principal in the Boston office of Simpson Gumpertz & Heger Inc.
- Registered professional engineer in Massachusetts and others, structural engineer in Georgia and Illinois, and professional engineer in British Columbia
- Experienced in structural investigation, litigation support, condition assessment, repair and rehabilitation of existing structures, new structural design, construction engineering, and demolition planning
- Current governor and past president of ASCE’s Construction Institute, and past chair of CI’s Boston Chapter
- Adjunct professor on temporary structures at Wentworth Institute of Technology (2016-2018) and guest lecturer at Lehigh University
- M.S. degree in structural engineering; B.S. degree in civil engineering; B.A. degree in architecture, Lehigh University
- Can be contacted at [email protected] or 617-963-5407

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