Protect your company with a solid understanding of the OSHA recordkeeping requirements.
OSHA's Hazard Communication rules require employers to examine their programs. With a new direction, OSHA is ramping up its inspection efforts, and every inspection begins with the same thing - documents.
This topic will discuss the kinds of records OSHA requires U.S. employers to maintain and when the records must be presented to the government, employees, unions, or opposing counsel. This course will review how OSHA's regulatory agenda may change recordkeeping requirements and information about pending challenges to the rule changes.

Kathleen Pontone
Miles & Stockbridge, P.C.
- Principal in the Labor, Employment, Benefits & Immigration Practice Group at Miles & Stockbridge, P.C.
- Represents employers in complex occupational health and safety cases brought by OSHA, including alleged willful violations in death cases and cases dealing with heat stress and indoor air quality
- Advised employers on matters of workplace safety for more than 35 years, has published numerous pieces, and lectured extensively on workplace safety requirements and best practices

Veronica D. Jackson
Miles & Stockbridge, P.C.
Veronica Jackson
- Principal in the Labor, Employment, Benefits & Immigration Practice Group at Miles & Stockbridge, P.C.
- Represents several construction employers in various cases involving those standards
- Has handled numerous cases with state safety agencies

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