Gain a solid understanding of the new compensation director and take steps to ensure you are prepared for an OFCCP audit.
In its latest effort to identify and remedy pay discrimination in the workplace and increase transparency with Federal contractors, OFCCP has released a new compensation directive, Directive 2018-05: Analysis of Contractor Compensation Practices During Compliance Evaluation. Issued August 24, 2018, this Directive rescinds the controversial Directive 307 and promises contractors more information sharing in audits, as well as details on how the OFCCP conducts its statistical analyses.
This topic will help the persons responsible for administering compensation in your organization understand the new Directive and take steps to ensure you are prepared for an OFCCP audit. The faculty will discuss the factors which led up to the issuance of Directive 2018-05, fully explore the details of its procedures, and provide practical, real-world advice on how to respond. Failing to fully understand and appreciate the implications of this new directive could have serious consequences should OFCCP commence with an investigation into an organization's pay practices.

Matthew J. Camardella
Jackson Lewis P.C.
- Principal in the Long Island, New York office of Jackson Lewis P.C.
- Co-Chair of the Jackson Lewis Affirmative Action & OFCCP Defense Group
- Practices almost exclusively in the area of federal government contractor compliance with affirmative action requirements
- Conducts regular seminars and workshops on numerous topics related to affirmative action and OFCCP
- Wrote several publications related to the areas of affirmative action and systemic discrimination
- Serves as General Counsel to the American Association for Access Equity and Diversity (AAAED)
- Graduate, with honors, Hofstra University School of Law
- Can be contacted at 631-247-4639 or [email protected]

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