All businesses are vulnerable to security breaches; make sense of the new PCI DSS credit card security standards.
The payment card industry data security standard has driven compliance and security spending up while giving long-time security professionals a stick to push the organization into thinking more strategically about data security. While the standard updates every two years, it is still a baseline by which we should far exceed, not the ceiling by which we judge our information security efforts. Payment brands are assessing fines while breaches continue to increase in volume and complexity. This course will help you prepare for the upcoming changes in the standard, including PCI DSS 3.2.1 (with PCI DSS 4.0 Preview), and provide strategies to reduce the scope and impact PCI DSS has on your enterprise.

Branden R. Williams, CISSP, CISM
Catchlights, Inc.
- Vice President, IAM Strategy, Ping Identity
- Co-wrote, PCI Compliance second, third and fourth editions: Understand and Implement Effective PCI Compliance, Syngress, 2009, 2012, and 2014
- Led the premier PCI Compliance organization, VeriSign Global Security Consulting, up until VeriSign divested the group
- Consulted with companies under $350 thousand annual revenue up to $400 billion
- Served one term on the PCI board of advisors and the EMVCo Board of Advisors
- Adjunct professor and Advisory Board Member for the Cybersecurity Graduate Program at the University of Dallas
- Member of the Information System Security Association, Pi Sigma Epsilon, Sigma Iota Epsilon, UD Entrepreneurial Association
- D.B.A. degree, Capella University; M.B.A. degree, University of Dallas
- Can be contacted at 214-727-8227 or [email protected]

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