Is your company on top of the changing legal landscape and new trends associated with executive compensation? Executive compensation is subject to an increasingly complex set of laws and regulations and an ever-increasing degree of scrutiny.
An appropriate and effective executive compensation program is one that retains top talent and incentivizes performance. This content helps employers and executives move beyond the basics of executive compensation and understand the trends and best practices emerging in response to the change in the legal landscape. This includes addressing the tax concerns of the executives and the company, maximizing the likelihood of shareholder approval, and remaining competitive in your industry. You should emerge with a clear understanding of what is changing in executive compensation, how employers are responding to these changes, and how to create executive compensation that attracts and retains top talent.

Shane M. Tucker
Vinson & Elkins LLP
- Partner in the Dallas office of Vinson & Elkins
- Practice emphasizes all aspects of executive compensation
- Practice area involves a variety of executive compensation and employee benefits matters. A significant portion of his practice involves the design and implementation of equity-based compensation arrangements, severance and retention arrangements, and deferred compensation arrangements. He has counseled both employers and executives in various executive compensation matters. Shane also advises clients in the complex tax matters associated with executive compensation arrangements, including performance-based compensation issues, transactions involving golden parachute payments, deferred compensation plan design, and matters involving transfers of property for services
- J.D. degree, University of Notre Dame Law School, magna cum laude; B.S. degree, University of Nebraska (Lincoln)
- Admitted to practice in Texas
- Can be contacted at [email protected] or 214-220-7803

Angela M. Stockbridge
Locke Lord LLP
- Associate, Locke Lord, LLP
- Practice emphasizes 409A compliance, equity compensation design, and retirement and welfare plan oversight
- Provides advice to both executives and employers on matters including change in control agreements, deferred compensation arrangements, all types of equity-based compensation plans, nonqualified deferred compensation design, qualified plan corrections and compliance advice, welfare plan administrative advice, and training related to fiduciary duties and HIPAA
- Experience with publicly traded and privately held companies across all benefits and executive compensation matters, including creation of change in control plans for executives, contract negotiations, claims & appeals, and benefits guidance throughout M&A activity
- Previous experience as in-house ERISA and executive compensation counsel for multiple Fortune 500 companies
- Admitted to practice in Texas
- J.D. degree, Cornell Law School; B.A. degree, University of Texas
- Can be contacted at [email protected] or 214-740-8402

Allison H. Hoeinghaus
Alvarez & Marsal
- Senior director, Alvarez & Marsal Taxand
- Practice emphasizes all aspects of executive compensation and employee benefits
- Helps companies tackle how to effectively and efficiently pay, incentivize and retain their employees, and works with companies to design and benchmark annual bonus and long-term incentive compensation programs, all while considering the applicable tax, accounting, and other regulatory ramifications
- Focuses on mergers and acquisitions (including golden parachute rules and due diligence of compensation arrangements), initial public offerings, and bankruptcy compensation
- Certified Public Accountant (CPA) licensed in Texas and Certified Executive Compensation Professional (CECP)
- M.A. degree in professional accounting (taxation), The University of Texas at Austin; B.B.A. degree in accounting, The University of Texas at Austin
- Can be contacted at [email protected] or 214-438-1037

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